The Castle SONIK, a high performing and easy to use sound level meter from a British sound meter manufacturer since 1971.
CastleCloud - Cloud SoftwareThe SONIK sound meters can be used with a computer connected to to ensure your data is always available and secure.
Find out more and create your free account by visiting |
dBDataLite - PC SoftwareHaving instant access to all of the data on one screen means better ecision making and streamlined operation. With all of your data on-screen, dBData allows you to manage the data files, copy out the data you want an print reports directly to hard copy. Upgrade to dBDataPRO software for increased functionality. dBDataPRO gives the benefit of greater data manipulation, graphical views and analysis for hearing protection, dose calculation and NR curves. Find out more by visiting dBDataPro Noise Analysis Software |
SONIK-SE Sound Meter - For Assessing Occupational and Environmental Noise The SONIK-SE is a powerful sound level meter which is ideal for performing occupational and environmental noise assessments for a variety of applications.
Boxed Weight (kg) | 1 |
Brand | Castle Group |
Application | Environmental Noise, Noise at Work |
Features | Dose, Data Logging, Statistics |
Class | Class 1 |
Weightings | A, C, Z |
Measurement Parameters | Leq, Lmin, Lmax, Peak, (Percentiles) Ln's, Dose, HSE Exposure Points, Lep’d (LEX), Le (SEL), Lday, Lnight, Lden |